Integration with third-party processing centers

 The possibility to accept different types and systems of cards at one terminal became possible due to the integration with the third-party processing centers in accordance with the protocols of interaction of these systems. The data is exchanged in real-time via secure communication channels in Host-to-Host and POS-to-Host modes.

 The unique ViaCard processing features allow for controlling balances of third-party processing centers to the owner of the filling station and also between the participants of the system during real-time transactional interaction.

 Integration with ViaCard is always an extension of functionality of a connected processing center, while improving the quality of customer service through the convenience of accepting cards of different types and systems in one terminal.

Implemented interaction protocols for servicing system clients:

Advantages of integration with other processing centers in the ViaCard system:

  • fuel cards of all types and systems are serviced by one terminal, which can be connected to the fuel dispenser control system software
  • system operates in real-time mode for all parameters and criteria
  • balance of every fuel operator company is calculated independently from the used processing center and in compliance with the set price setting parameters
  • the ability for the filling stations owner to set in the ViaCard management system the threshold for automatic blocking the fuel operator company of the external processing system
  • decision to service the cards is made not by the staff but by the processing center according to the criteria set in the management system
  • ViaCard management system allows users to get consolidated reports for all transactions of all the processing systems used
  • separate accounting of transactions for fuel operator companys in the ViaCard processing center is maintained in accordance with the contractual schemes used
  • transaction accounting automatically occurs simultaneously in several systems